Tuesday 1 January 2013

Praise You

Happy New Years!

Once again, a lovely collection of my friends and I celebrating New Years in... style? My friend Lydia was gracious enought to have the girls round for a little New Years party/gathering/mix-up which went from sophisticated to damn right raucous, I do feel bad for her neighbours if they were home. 2012 was a groovy year aswell as emotional, I finally completed my compulsory education, I moved onto sixth form, I made new friends, and I just changed in general I guess. There were so many new things which I was introduced to, and so many laughs thanks to 2012. Also the one big thing, which I think we can all relate to, is the fact that there was no Zombie apocolyspe. Praise the Lord for the privilege of life.
Here are just some memories from 2012:


Overall it was quite an enriching year, a time when I hated, loved and questioned myself. Now I can enter the new year with an inquisitive head and slightly disfunctional possy.

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Thank you for your banter! I look forward to reading it!

Piece done by Amy Ross